Steps to make a screenshot disappear right in front of your eyes (Works for suscribers too)

1. Find a windowblind, winamp skin, object dock skin, and a wallpaper you like (widgets you can use if you want)

2. Spend some time until you think the screenshot is perfect.

3. Change the wallpaper to a girl in a bikini

4. Submit on wincustomize

5. Wait for an email that says your screenshot has been approved

6. Go to the screenshot section of

Voila! Your screenshot now has mysteriously dissappeared (It may have been rated low, but you can see lower-rated skins in the screenshot department)

(Huh, its cool to take frustration and change it into creativity )

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 13, 2005

no...if you changed it to a troll, or lets say a fairy, BAM 5 stars

You know Threi..I have given your SS's more 5 ratings than others. I do not not rate nude cheesey poses of women . Period. Im a girl .I do not like SS's of naked women that look like they belong in a Playboy centerfold....I spend sometimes 4 days making one SS. I make them for ME..and I upload them for a few that like what I do...I had asked that my shots not be put up for daily shots. Im not here to compete with anyone. If you knew the the wall would get you a low rating then why put on the whingy act in a thread about it.
on Nov 13, 2005
to tell you the honest truth, i really didnt want to submit this skin, but i felt it looked really great IMO. And just like you, i dont post any screenshots because i am here to compete with anyone, but because i feel that they look nice and that they should be shared with other people to see their opinion. If i feel that people are trashing a screenshot i feels looks like one of my best, of course im going to defend myself. This thread was just a joke to vent my frustrations, but i cant seem to get a break anywhere on this site
on Nov 13, 2005
Hang in there, Threi. You're one of us.
on Nov 13, 2005
The community should have a say, too. Certainly no thongs

Absolutely not.....or he'd almost be starkers

Don't make me post my 'Spring Break' pics, people.

But they're not the ones we need to worry about....hadn't quite warmed up enough...but the summer ones Then we'd be afraid, we'd be very afraid

.I do not like SS's of naked women that look like they belong in a Playboy centerfold.

Yeah, there's plenty of other sites on the WWW to go to for that sort of thing.
on Nov 13, 2005
but i cant seem to get a break anywhere on this site

but what have you done for the site?
on Nov 13, 2005 screenshots NEVER have any nudity in it (i have parents you know )
on Nov 13, 2005
but what have you done for the site?

thats a great way to look at things - hassle all newcomers and see if you get any subscribes
on Nov 13, 2005
Shake it off Threi, at 18 it's all hormones. Even the ladies here understand the facts. Now that you know, you can avoid making the same mistake twice.
on Nov 13, 2005
actually this is the third time i made this "mistake" (but this time i was expecting it )
on Nov 13, 2005
to tell you the honest truth, i really didnt want to submit this skin, but i felt it looked really great IMO

Then add something to the shot to obscure the wall a bit ..and reupload it. I have had SS's rejected for that reason alone...I got the impression that that was more the reason it was removed..But to insinute that a fairy wall would get you a higher rating was a bit of a pot shot at me. Whether intended or not..thats how it looked...
on Nov 13, 2005
uh well i had part of my media player obscuring the pic...but i guess that wasnt enough
on Nov 13, 2005
*fends off all negative comments with a giant stick *
on Nov 13, 2005
actually this is the third time i made this "mistake" (but this time i was expecting it

And it was a moderator that removed it. Im betting it was a male. So what does that tell you ?

Jeeezee do tons of great SS's. Why do one you know is going to result in this ?
on Nov 13, 2005
its a reflex...i just couldnt stand not showing a screenshot with the world (i dont care what the content is, i think it looks GOOD)
on Nov 14, 2005
I figured maybe a scantily clad dragon, too would have it approved for viewing but, then again maybe not.
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