Steps to make a screenshot disappear right in front of your eyes (Works for suscribers too)

1. Find a windowblind, winamp skin, object dock skin, and a wallpaper you like (widgets you can use if you want)

2. Spend some time until you think the screenshot is perfect.

3. Change the wallpaper to a girl in a bikini

4. Submit on wincustomize

5. Wait for an email that says your screenshot has been approved

6. Go to the screenshot section of

Voila! Your screenshot now has mysteriously dissappeared (It may have been rated low, but you can see lower-rated skins in the screenshot department)

(Huh, its cool to take frustration and change it into creativity )

Comments (Page 1)
4 Pages1 2 3  Last
on Nov 13, 2005
on Nov 13, 2005
on Nov 13, 2005

Last screenshot you uploaded appears to be a very ordinary one with an apparent fixation on scantily-clad women...[though this one only had half the 'bikini'].  It's there, so I have no idea what this thread is about.

Checking once more I see it's been removed....probably a good call.

The trick about screenshots is to show a desktop of interest, not some objectified woman in a wallpaper that is insufficiently obscured to protect the photographer's distribution rights.

There's quite a few female skinners and general site members who probably would prefer a more mature approach to their portrayal.

"I know im guna automatically get a low rating cause of the content, but i feel that my desktop is worth submitting. Thankx to all authors and PEACE THREI"

That really says it all, doesn.t it? [and that's a rhetorical question].....

on Nov 13, 2005
2. Spend some time until you think the screenshot is perfect.

3. Change the wallpaper to a girl in a bikini

aaahhh. I get it. Step 2 stops at thinking the screenshot is perfect. Step 3 changed all that and screwed it up.
on Nov 13, 2005
on Nov 13, 2005
I think if you were to change step 3 to a troll in a bikini it would not be deleted, but it might make for some ill skinners. Then again, some might like scantily clad stump dwellers.
on Nov 13, 2005
The trick about screenshots is to show a desktop of interest, not some objectified woman in a wallpaper that is insufficiently obscured to protect the photographer's distribution rights

no...if you changed it to a troll, or lets say a fairy, BAM 5 stars
on Nov 13, 2005
actually i had a strong feeling this would happen, and right now im wonderin why the hell i submitted this one...(meh, i guess i could change the wallpaper to a troll or fairy or somethin...)
on Nov 13, 2005
I think if you were to change step 3 to a troll in a bikini it would not be deleted, but it might make for some ill skinners. Then again, some might like scantily clad stump dwellers

But what if the resident troll prefers a one-piece suit instead? Should have a choice as to how he's portrayed
on Nov 13, 2005
Better still, Miss Piggy in a she's hot, even if Kermit doesn't think so
on Nov 13, 2005
You're a class act Threi!!

But what if the resident troll prefers a one-piece suit instead? Should have a choice as to how he's portrayed

The community should have a say, too. Certainly no thongs
on Nov 13, 2005
*looks for a miss piggy wallpaper*

*and miss piggy in a thong JUST for SD *
on Nov 13, 2005
Don't make me post my 'Spring Break' pics, people.
on Nov 13, 2005
Don't make me post my 'Spring Break' pics, people

on Nov 13, 2005
Bichur in a thong? no thankx
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